Product Categories Analysis

Company size:



10 000+ Employees

29 Countries

Power BI



A huge company selling shoes, with hundreds of brick-and-mortar stores, was not able to categorize and segment its customers. Without this information, all the product categories management activities were difficult and required a lot of manual effort in order to make correct business decisions. The Client needed to analyze product categories based on the shopper profiles in order to optimize its offer and adjust it to customer’s needs and all of this needed to be done semi-automatically based on the real data from loyalty cards, online stores, and sales trends and numbers.



  • analysis of source data and additional source XLSX data structure
  • requirements gathering and analysis with business users
  • mock-uping and prototyping in order to build appropriate UX/UI Design
  • creation of Power BI data model and Power BI Service structure
  • testing and data comparison
  • creation of Power BI dashboard comparing product categories, sales structure, trends, variances, and other elements needed by Category Managers (CatMans)
  • analysis of shopper profiles and its correlation with sales within specific product groups



  • ability to better understand shopper profiles and sales structure
  • access to new data that was not available so far
  • possibility to drive new products into brick-and-mortar stores and to optimize e-commerce offers.



Discovering Innovation Through Analysis


Dedicated Analytical Platform


Let's talk

Katarzyna Strzelecka

Sales Operations Manager

+48 722 233 444

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